the tambourine to hear Stevie talk about her Grandfather A.J. Nicks
mother's mom and dad were divorced very early, and her stepfather worked in a
coal mine in Ajo, Arizona and died of tuberculosis. She had a hard life, was very
poor, was 19 when she got married, and had me at 20. My dad went after a big job
in a big company, got it, did very well, and liked to move around and travel a
lot. My mom got used to it and had a lot of fun, but she's much more practical,
frugal ~ she still sniffs her nose at my dad's and my expensive tastes ~ and she
wanted more than anything else for her daughter and son [Christopher] to be independent
and self-assured.
~Stevie Nicks, Billboard, 1998
[On her fondest childhood memory] The summers I spent
in Ajo, Arizona with my Grandmother, starting when I was around four.
~Stevie Nicks, Ask Stevie, www.nicksfix.com, 2000
[On how she got the nickname Stevie] Stevie just
came from not being able to pronounce Stephanie. And it kind of came
out as teedee. My mother calls me TD Bird, she calls me TD Bird....its
really sickening, isnt it!? But TD went to Stevie. And I was too little
to remember why that happened, but they told me thats what I used to, thats
how I used to say Stephanie. And so, it just kinda worked itself into
Stevie. And I was never called Stephanie. And my Dad named me Stephanie to call
me Stephanie, because he loved that name, so somehow whatever fate just twisted
it away and I became Stevie.... ~Stevie Nicks, Spotight on Stevie Nicks, 96.1 WSRS, August
5, 2001 |
When I was younger, my mom said, 'I totally believe that you're
going to be a singer and a famous songwriter. But just in case, Stevie, I need
you to take typing and I need you to take shorthand. And if you go to college,
we'll pay for everything.' And I went. I think that you should get the best education
you can, and then if you want to go off and be a total entrepreneur space cadet,
that's fine. But if you are called upon to take care of somebody or keep something
together, you gotta have studied something.
~Stevie Nicks, Rolling Stone, December 30, 1999
granddad [A. J. Nicks] was a country and western singer, and he left his family
and took freight trains and traveled all over, playing in bars and supporting
himself by playing pool. So my mom and dad thought, 'Well, there she goes. She's
gonna walk down the same road as her grandfather.' And luckily I became a bit
more successful than he was.
~Stevie Nicks, Interview Magazine, March 1995
The only thing my dad ever said to me was ~ because my dad was very successful
and very ambitious ~ he said, 'If you're going to do this, you better be the very
best.' That was the only thing he ever said to me. 'I don't want to see you being
second.' And that was a pretty heavy thing to say to me.
When I write my different songs and take them home, I'll play them for him
and he'll say, 'Well, that comes a little closer to what your potential as a songwriter
is.' And then he'll give me a big hug. My mother says he's very cool, he's like
Jimmy. He strives to get the best out of me, and you don't get the best out of
me by hugging and kissing me and telling me how wonderful I am. That doesn't work.
The best thing to do is really be serious with me and I'll work hard.
~ Stevie Nicks, High Times, 1982
the importance of her family] My family is… my family is so important to
me that last night in the middle of the night I started to cry because I miss
my brother, and I needed to call him, and I didn't have any phone numbers. I don't
have anybody's phone number ~ cause I don't have a book. I needed to talk to Christopher
because I just needed for somebody to tell me that its all OK, and yeah, my family
is very, very important to me, and you are important to me, and all the people
that come to see me are important to me.
~Stevie Nicks, Molly Melldrum Interview, 1986
have a newfound respect for moms. When I'm at my house in Phoenix, I live with
my 5 1/2 year old niece and my brother and sister-in-law. And I now really understand
what an incredible commitment it is to have a child, and how difficult it is.
I know I could not have done both. I'd have ended up having to stop doing my music,
or pretty much letting someone else raise my child ~ which would have made me
very unhappy ~ or I'd have ended up kind of a half-assed mom and a half-assed
rock musician.
~Stevie Nicks Says Motherhood Not In Her Repertoire, by Marilyn
Beck, 1997
I don't really need children. I have a niece who's six, who certainly fills
my life up as far as a child goes. I'm gonna just work on my work. I don't think
the world is going to have that much of a problem with me not being married or
having a family. I don't think that's why I came here. I have something that's
really important to do, and I don't think I've done that yet.
~Rolling Stone, 1998
what role her parents played in her life through its ups and downs.] My
mom and dad have been very supportive my whole life. Before I joined Fleetwood
Mac, and they were supportive all through the tumultous times of Fleetwood Mac,
when they didn't see or hear from me. They never got angry with me. So basically
they're the only ones who were there before the Mac, they're the only ones who
really know me.
~Stevie Nicks, Sonic Net Yahoo Chat, 1998