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All the characters in my songs ~ the Gypsies, the Saras, and
the on this album, Alice and Juliet ~ they're all me. But they're all different
sides of me. ~Stevie Nicks, interview in Revolution, November, 1989
Gypsy is about um ...going back to the gypsy that I was prior
to Fleetwood Mac.
~Stevie Nicks, Rock's Family Tree |
in my uh Doheny house - in my English house. I just uh.. I went through an experience
that wasn't particularly pleasant and I moved out of my big English bedroom into
the little back bedroom that was all...the lady that owned this house had put
all this French wallpaper up that was flowers and it was beautifully, beautifully
done. It's just a little tiny room and put my bed back on the floor, moved my
JBLs [speakers] in there, all my plants... all my junk, everything I had into
this tiny little room about as big as this sofa, you know and I just lived in
there for about 3 months. And I, it was really like living back in my apartment
before I joined Fleetwood Mac...it was ...I'm very comfortable living in one little
room with my bed on the floor and kind of lace tacked up at the windows, you know.
[A place where you felt secure and safe or comfortable?]
And back to me, back to ...you know, uh back to learning to live alone again.
Back to the gypsy.
~Stevie Nicks, Jim Ladd Innerview, 1982
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In the song Gypsy it says, Going back to the velvet
underground/ Back to the floor... which means my bed went back on the floor,
with the paper flowers and the, you know, there's a part of that that [era]
there will never be again ...except that it does live in my house because it was
so special.
~Stevie Nicks, Video Interview for Fleetwood Mac's Greatest
Hits (1988) as cited in Mirror Mirror, Issue 3 |
being a gypsy] The clothes I wear... that doesn't change. I love long dresses.
I love velvet. I love high boots. I never change. I love the same eye make-up.
I'm not a fad person. I still have everything I had then. That's one part of me...
that's where my songs come from. There's a song on the new Fleetwood Mac album
[Mirage] that says, 'Going back to the velvet underground/back to the floor
that I love,' because I always put my bed on the floor. 'To a room with some lace
and paper flowers/ back to the gypsy that I was.' And that's San Francisco. That's
the Velvet
Underground. Those are the things that I can't give up.
~Stevie Nicks, The Record, February 1982

For me to be a gypsy; for me to write about the
gypsy - and for me to live the life of a gypsy that I love - I sort of almost
have to be almost cold and insensitive to be able to remain that gypsy. It's not
easy to be a hippie-gypsy when you're rich and when you're a rock'n'roll star.
~Stevie Nicks, Jim Ladd Innerview, 1983
Dreams was a very real song. Gypsy was very real.
~Stevie Nicks, BBC Interview, 1989 |
song Gypsy isn't a real happy story. Gypsy is a lot about returning
to San Francisco. And Gypsy was written when my best friend [Robin]
died of Leukemia and uh ...about the fact that she wasn't going to see the rest
of this: I still see your bright eyes, it was like she wasn't ...going
to make it. And uh, I was like the lone gypsy ~ this was my best friend from when
I was 15 and so I was a solo gypsy all of a sudden and it was very sad for me
and that's sometimes when I write my very best songs.
Robin had been on the road with Fleetwood Mac for five years. As my speech
therapist and also management, an incredibly efficient helper. I still miss
your bright eyes ~ that's why we don't do it on stage ~ it's because it's
really too hard for me to sing. Lightening strikes maybe once, maybe twice...
that means one time in your life you find a very good friend, and maybe if you're
incredibly lucky, you might find a second. It all comes down to you, means
but you have to look very hard.
~Stevie Nicks, video interview for Fleetwood Mac's Greatest
Hits (1988) |
You also, I think, know this girl. I knew her [Robin]. And she's still
here so I guess... New York was our favorite place, so....
~Stevie Nicks, introduction to the song Gypsy on the Radio
City Show of the Wild Heart Tour, September 13, 1983
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