My very best friend Robin [Snyder Anderson] called me and told me she had terminal leukemia and that they thought that maybe she might last 3 months. So without a doubt, it was the absolute high and low of success. I never got to enjoy Bella Donna at all because my friend was dying, something went out that day, something left.

She just been in my life since I was 14. She was the one person that knew me for the person I really was and not for the famous Stevie, and it was good to have someone who knew the real you besides just your mom and dad.

She died and they took the baby, and it was like he was 3 months premature, and it was horrible, it was such an upsetting situation ~ you know ~ everyone was just so devastated and there was this little premature baby, and I just went crazy
~Stevie Nicks, Behind the Music/VH1, November 1, 1998


It's the only friendship that I've ever had or... well, I'm not going to say ever will have. We just started out together at 15 years old.  She kind of walked me through life.  And, as I questioned would there be life after Fleetwood Mac, I certainly questioned would there be life after Robin. Then I found that there is life after Robin, except that it's not the same, not near as special.  There's a spirit gone, and that's why I'm really dedicated to this leukemia [benefit].  That's why I will do anything I have to do to make as much money to get rid of this disease as I can because I would really never want anyone to experience losing someone as beautiful as her in this horrible way.

She [Robin] taught me how to sing.  She taught me how to use my voice. She made very sure before she left this planet that I was all right, that my voice was all right.  I don't have problems with my voice now, but I did and it took us years to fix it.  Robin was one of those people [who] when she walked in the room everybody looked.  She was breathtaking, and that's why it's so wild that she could possibly have died.  It just doesn't make any sense at all.
~Stevie Nicks, Arizona Republic, September 18, 1983

When Bella Donna came out, Fleetwood Mac was at the top of their game. It was the most incredible time. But then my best friend, Robin, was diagnosed with leukemia and that overshadowed everything. I really didn't get to enjoy Bella Donna. I found out that Robin was dying on the same day it went No. 1. I never really thought about it until now, but that's what happened. That should've been a time when I was the most happy and felt the most self-confident and successful. But actually, I really felt the most helpless, because all the money in the world couldn't save this woman's life. It was a very sad, yet balancing, thing for me.
~Stevie Nicks, BAM August 22, 1997

I was on the road when Robin died. I didn't even have the time, or the luxury, to sit around and be sad about her death. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. How unfortunate it was that it all had to happen at the same time. People ask, 'Wasn't it incredible when Belladonna was No. 1 and sold 3 million albums?' Yeah, it was totally wonderful except that I was watching one thing go up while I was watching another thing go down. It was really, really hard.
~Stevie Nicks, BAM August 22, 1997

I married Robin's husband [Kim Anderson] because . . . Robin was one of the few women who ever got leukemia and then got pregnant. And they had to take the baby [named Matthew] at six and a half months, and then she died two days later. And when she died, I went crazy. I just went insane. And so did her husband. And we were the only two that could really understand the depth of the grief that we were going through. And I was determined to take care of that baby, so I said to Kim, 'I don't know, I guess we should just get married.' And so we got married three months after she died, and it was a terrible, terrible mistake. We didn't get married because we were in love, we got married because we were grieving and it was the only way that we could feel like we were doing anything. And we got divorced three months later.

And I haven't seen Kim, nor have I seen Matthew, since that day. I suppose that Matthew will find me when he's ready. I mean, I am, really, next to Robin, his mommy. But Kim and I can't deal with each other at all. So when the baby's old enough, I have all of his mother's things, and I have her life on film for 14, 15 years. I have us on tape singing, I have a beautiful book that I wrote the year that she died. . . . I have a roomful of stuff for him. I have his mother to give back to him when he's ready.
~Stevie Nicks, US Magazine, 1990


I was insane, uh when I married Kim because ~ we were both insane. Um, losing Robin was about the most devastating thing that ever happened to me and certainly the most devastating thing that ever happened to him. And I'd known her since she was 13 and he'd only known her for 6 years. So, uh, she'd been my Rock of Gibraltar for as long as I could remember. And uh, nobody could understand our grief. Nobody could understand how deep it went. And I would, uh I mean I would just come downstairs in my house and lay on the floor ~ in the middle of the floor ~ and just scream or cry ~ or... or, and just beat my fists against.... I just couldn't believe it, it just ~ it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me in my life. And the only person that could comfort me at all was Kim; and the only person that could comfort him was me. And for him, I was so like Robin, when she died... I think a little part of him almost thought I was her reincarnate.
~Stevie Nicks, BBC Interview, 1991

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I thought it was my mission to take care of this baby, but it wasn't my mission to marry this man.
~Stevie Nicks, The Guardian, February 12, 1998


I had got used to going into in [to the nursery] and finding the cradle rocking without anyone being there and I always knew that it was Robin, but on this occasion it wasn't rocking, nor the next day either, and that was when I realized she had finally left. Somehow I know she was telling me, 'You'd better get out of this right now. Kim will take good care of Matthew, but this is not what God meant for you, Stevie.'
~Stevie Nicks, Woman's Own, 1990

One of these days, when he [Robin's son, Matthew] gets old enough ~ he's about 12 now ~ I will see him…and give him all of his mother's things that I have. So I'll be able to give him back Robin ~ her laughter and her smiles ~ because I have the incredible definitive photographs and writings and pictures. And the experiences that she and I had that I can tell him about.
~Stevie Nicks, Miami Herald, 1991

I was so devastated that I thought I was gonna die with her. I really did. It was hard for me to come back from the fact that I knew I wouldn't see Matthew again for many years. And so I moved to the beach. I moved to the beach for spiritual solace, for sanctuary. And it helped. For me to go out and just sit on a blanket and take my tape recorder and a pad of paper and a pencil and just look at the ocean and write. And give her up, you know? And, you know, if anything like that ever happens to me again, I'll probably move right back to the beach. Either that, or I'll go home to the desert. Because those two places are my strongholds.
~Stevie Nicks, US Magazine, 1990


The Robin Anderson Memorial Fund
City of Hope
208 West 8th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014


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